RLEC Numbering and Battery Layout

If you have the misfortune of needing to replace an RLEC, you will get the RLECs ID from the diagnostic software. But you have to know where that ID is physically located in the pack. Here is a photo with all of the RLECs/modules labeled:


The order seems strange until you understand that there are 2 parallel strings in the pack. But first I’ll lay out some Enerdel nomenclature for the various parts and sub-parts or the battery:

The whole thing is a pack. One MLEC manages the entire pack by communicating with all the RLECs (there are 16 RLECs in a pack) and with the vehicle.

The pack consists of 2 parallel strings.

Each string consists of 4 subpacks.

Each subpack consists of 2 modules.

Each modules is monitored a single RLEC.

Each module consists of 12 elements.

Each element consists of 2 cells in parallel.

The modules (and their associated RLECs) are numbered from negative to positive starting with the forward string (the forward-most 4 subpacks). There are lots of opportunities for confusion because you will variously see CommTool refer to the Slave ID of an RLEC (which are 0 to 15, or 0x0 to 0xF in hexidecimal), or “naturally” numbered with the first RLEC being number 1 and the last one being 16.

For anyone that can’t see and understand the image above, I’ll take a crack to a word description:

The first RLEC is the forward-most right inner. Next is the forward-most right outer. The next RLEC (RLEC 3 or RLEC Slave ID 2 or 0x2) is immediately aft of the previous one. The next three RLECs are in consecutive order from right to left. RLEC 7 (or Slave ID 6 or 0x6) is in the forward-most left outer position. The last RLEC in the first string is the forward-most left inner.

The numbering of the second string is exactly the same, just shifted back two positions. So the first RLEC in the second string (number 9 or Slave ID 8 or 0x8) is in the third row from the front, right inner position. And so forth.