
Blog City PDX is intended for owners and service technicians of Think City electric vehicles.  All Think-related posts are categorized as such; this platform also serves as a creative outlet for any non-Think related whim that pleases me. I, JM Mayer, am solely responsible for all of the content except where otherwise noted.

Please click on one of the category links to the left to browse my blog posts.

There are two active Internet groups that I’m aware of that provide lots of additional information:

2011 Think EV Owners – Oregon Google group is shared publicly, which I think means that you browse there directly and view all of the messages without waiting to become a member.

The think_ev Yahoo group has been around quite a bit longer and has a much broader geographic reach including several European participants.  You’ll need to become a member to access it, but the manager is pretty quick to get you signed up.

When Think Cities started showing up in Portland by the truckload we could only speculate about their future– whether they be would complete lemons, whether they would be the first wave from a new leading manufacturer of electric vehicles.  In 2015 it looks like despite some significant indisputable problems, many Thinks are providing their owners with excellent very good, very energy-efficient transportation.  But the vast corporate/manufacturing/logistics structure that was underlying the creation of those cars is uncertain at best, and I’m afraid the 2011 Think City is somewhat like an orphan.

From the beginning I have felt a personal sense of responsibility for the satisfaction of the brave early adopters who purchased these Thinks.  This website is a part of my efforts, and I strongly encourage any owners with issues to contact me. (I work exclusively on the Thinks that were manufactured (or at least had the powertrain installed) in the US; they all have Enerdel batteries.  I may be able to help with Thinks in Europe and elsewhere, but I’m not sure how different they may be.)

You can contact me at mayerjm@gmail.com.
I had originally intended this site to use comments, but I just got too much spam, so I’m going to try to remove the option to post comments. If I don’t manage to remove the comment fields, please just don’t leave comments.