About Think City:
If you are not an owner of a Think City electric car, but you’ve somehow stumbled upon this site I’ll let Wikipedia bring you up to speed.
And I enjoyed the photo gallery of the Think manufacturing facility in Elkhart, Indiana.
About JM Mayer:
I was, until April 2016, the service technician at Hawthorne Auto Clinic in Southeast Portland that is responsible for servicing Thinks in Oregon and Washington.
I am originally from Columbus, Indiana, a large part of whose identity is formed as the headquarters for Cummins Engine Company. I graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, and then served relatively briefly in the US Navy’s submarine service.
I worked for a few years at a water and waste water engineering company in Boston, Massachusetts before trying a few other things and moving to Portland, Oregon.
I attended Mt Hood Community College’s automotive program and simultaneously began my internship at Hawthorne Auto Clinic in 2009. At my initial interview with owners Jim Houser and Liz Dally I told them of my interest in hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles, and they have ever since provided me with high quality training and opportunities to specialize. Now my typical work days are spent servicing, diagnosing and repairing Thinks, Prii (plural of Prius), and other Honda and Toyota hybrids.
In addition to automotive service, I’m expanding my skill set by pursuing another Associates of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Systems from Portland Community College. I dream of someday developing (or at least helping to develop) and open source platform for automotive service management.